You never know what you’ll find when you take your dogs out for that last walk of the night, or what might find you.
Each day, and especially today, I reflect on The Prayer of Saint Francis, also known as the Peace Prayer, which serves as one of my life’s guideposts.
I’ve passed this field just after sunrise every week since late August. Each time I think, “I should stop and take a photo.” Yesterday, I finally did.
Happy Birthday, Dad. Though you’ve been gone eight years, I’ve never felt your presence more. And your lessons are with me every day.
I want to share the story of Roy, our latest foster dog, but it’s complicated.
Here are two things about my mom: She paid attention and she was more interested in the solution than the problem, especially when it came to helping her lonely kid out of his funk.
Twin Peaks debuted 30 years ago today and was the first “water-cooler” show I remember experiencing. It still resonates today.
We often remember life’s events differently. And that’s ok.
Often being wrong (and admitting it) leads to greater things.
We’re telling stories in remarkable times. How do your stories engage the five generations of audiences who are alive today?