From community journalism to health care and higher ed, Mike’s career is powered by a passion to discover, create and share stories that connect people and advance strategic priorities.

Looking for Lunch, Finding Limes

Looking for Lunch, Finding Limes

One of the free limes found when I was lost in Coronado, California.

One of the free limes found when I was lost in Coronado, California.

Susan and I walked off of Coronado Beach. We were hot, tired, hungry, and looking for a place to cool down and recharge. Google Maps indicated there was just such a place a few blocks in from the beach. So we started off in that direction.

After more than a few blocks walking through residential neighborhoods with no lunch oasis to be seen, it became clear that either Google Maps was wrong (possible, but not likely) or I’d misread Google Maps (very likely). The next closest option for lunch would be back in the town center it seemed.

About halfway between the beach and downtown Coronado, we came upon an oasis of a different kind, a beautiful home on a corner lot that featured a Little Free Library with a selection of interesting titles and a box filled with limes with a sign that read: “Free. Help Yourself.” And we did.

We also had a pleasant chat with Pam, the woman who lived in the house, grew the limes, and kept the Little Library well-stocked. We left, entertained and energized. Yes, we finally did find a spot for lunch. But I didn’t mind the wait. There are many places to find lunch, but only one street in Coronado, California, where we could have had this experience.

This was just another time when I got lost but ended up discovering something even better than what I was originally trying to find.

Happy National Puppy (Every) Day

Happy National Puppy (Every) Day

One Sure Bet

One Sure Bet