From community journalism to health care and higher ed, Mike’s career is powered by a passion to discover, create and share stories that connect people and advance strategic priorities.

A Wish for Your Week (and Mine, Too)

A Wish for Your Week (and Mine, Too)

Wishing you a safe, productive, and fulfilling week.

When our son lived at home, I would write weekly (sometimes daily) notes to him. This post is inspired by one from about 10 years ago that I recently found. Strikes me as good advice as we start a new week. Wishing you a safe, productive, and fulfilling week.

Sideswiped by Extinction

Sideswiped by Extinction

Slow Horses, The Moment with Rick Rubin, and Money on Jane - Today's Tea and Three

Slow Horses, The Moment with Rick Rubin, and Money on Jane - Today's Tea and Three