Mike Barzacchini

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How do you get out of the ditch?

I prepared and planned the night before. Up early the next morning, I set my course and get on the road. My path is clear. Then it happens.

Something runs out in front of me or I'm caught unexpectedly from behind. I veer off course. Maybe the shoulder is loose. I spin out and before I know it, I'm stuck in the ditch.

Plans change, often by forces out of our control. Every project manager, small business owner, or entrepreneur knows this. But we all deal with it differently.

How do you handle unforeseen changes? Do you let them derail you or do you look for the new opportunities that the unexpected may provide? I'd love to hear your strategies for dealing with what you weren't expecting. I'd like to learn how you get out of the ditch.

Photo by Henry Fraczek on Unsplash