Mike Barzacchini

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Grateful 2021

Our friend Ruth asked me a couple of days ago what my thoughts were about 2021 as the year neared its end. I paused and considered the loss, uncertainty, setbacks, and pain that so many have experienced. Then I shared with her the first word that came into my mind, “grateful.”  I added, “If I’m not grateful in this life, in which life will I be grateful?” If the past two years and getting a little older have taught me anything, it’s been the power of being grateful especially in the most challenging times. 

  • As 2021 closes, I find so much that I’m grateful for. Our home on the hill in this river town, surrounded by so much beautiful nature.  

  • Visits to and from Susan’s parents in Ohio. 

  • A visit from Jonathan and Kayleigh this past summer

  • Gathering with family to celebrate my sister’s birthday in Florida. 

  • Experiencing the luminary festival with Susan. 

  • Weekly virtual Yahtzee games with family and friends now in their second year!

  • Our pack, that includes our four wonderful dogs and the dogs we’ve been fortunate enough to foster. I learn from them every day. 

  • Laughter, including the biggest laugh of the year gifted to me by Art on Christmas Day. 

  • Above all, the people in my life, my family and friends, including Ruth, who caused me to pause and consider my gratitude for 2021. 

  • And most of all, for my partner in life, love, and adventure, Susan, for whom I hold a deep well of gratitude. 

Wishing you good health, joy, and more than a few good laughs 2022. As a wise, kind person said to me this year, “we’ll see each other again.”