Mike Barzacchini

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Moon-Half-Full Kind of Guy

The waxing moon over East Dundee, Illinois, March 18, 2021. Mike Barzacchini photo.

Yesterday, for the first time all year, I didn’t post to this blog. The streak ends.

I could despair. I could beat myself up. I could flounder in my missed goal to post at least once a day in 2021. But I won’t. I’ll recharge, regroup, reset, and post today. Heck, maybe I’ll post twice.

And it wasn’t like I was wasting away on the couch all day. For instance, I went outside on a beautifully clear night and took this great photo of the moon.

Wallowing in my shortcoming won’t get me anywhere but miserable. I’m moving forward with a new goal in mind. I guess you might say I’m a moon-half-full kind of guy.