From community journalism to health care and higher ed, Mike’s career is powered by a passion to discover, create and share stories that connect people and advance strategic priorities.

My 11 Guiding Principles for 2021

My 11 Guiding Principles for 2021

Congratulations. We made it through the first week of 2021. Or, at least I think we did. If last week is any indication, we will continue to be presented with heaping portions of opportunity and challenge throughout this year.

I shy from making resolutions or declarations at the beginning of a new year. Much can happen in a month or two that I could not have imagined on January 1. Those resolutions may become dated quickly by events that are out of my control. For example, what if one of my 2020 resolutions was to “travel more?”

Instead of resolutions, I tend to identify a set of words or principles to help guide me through the year, come what may. Often these are “carry-overs,” principles that I try to follow every day that I refresh or renew for the new year.

One resource I’ve used to help me identify my core principles has been Your One Word by Evan Carmichael. Carmichael guides readers toward identifying one word that will serve as a powerful, concise purpose statement for work and life. After reading the book, the word I came up with was “solutions.” This led to “only solutions,” one of my work-life mantras. A lot of what gives me joy at work and with my family and friends is solving and helping others solve problems.

At a higher ed marketing conference a few years ago, I attended a session that took attendees through a series of exercises and discussions to help us develop four words that describe our purpose. Then the presenters challenged us to make these four words the screensaver image on our smartphone. I did and it’s remained my screensaver since, a regular reminder of my four words: “Humor, mindfulness, kindness, and service.”

I know, where is the word “solutions?” I went back and forth between “solutions” and “service,” ultimately sticking with “service,” though I’ve been thinking lately that it may be time to refresh my four words and my screensaver.

This brings me to 2021. Do I stick with Carmichael’s “one word” approach? Do I refresh my four words? In some way, I may do both of these things to help keep me on course this year. But I felt like I needed something a little more substantial, a set of principles that work on a practical level as action statements to keep me on task each day and more long-term to make sure I’m moving with intention toward my bigger goals. A version of each one of these principles is something I’ve documented and practiced for years. Here they are revised and renewed for 2021:

  1. Strive for good, better, best: Forward progress in everything I do.

  2. Be at peace with myself.

  3. Do work that generates joy.

  4. Live simply: Uncluttered life. Uncluttered mind.

  5. Embrace nature every day. Touch the earth.

  6. Breathe. Stretch. Move.

  7. Focus on the moment. Avoid the distraction of worry.

  8. Learn something new every day.

  9. Share what I learn.

  10. Keep my sense of humor. Remember to laugh.

  11. Practice kindness and empathy in service to others.

If I can keep these 11 principles in mind and action,, I’ll stay ready for whatever 2021 has in store.

What word, mantra, or set of principles will help guide you through this year?

My iPhone screensaver image.

My iPhone screensaver image.

I may get commissions for purchases made through links in this post.

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash
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