Mike Barzacchini

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Six-Word Hoops Stories

Photo by Alex Perez on Unsplash

Celebrating spring and the start of the NCAA basketball tournament with a few six-word stories:

Full court press...against the couch.

That’s about my basketball speed these days.

Dunking dreams. Waking tired and sore.

I've had reoccurring dreams of dunking in pickup basketball games. Something I've done in reality only once or twice. I guess you could say sleep adds many inches to my vertical leap.

Only foul now is my shot.

Yea. I'm beyond rusty. I have a plan to put a goal up at our house and become this old man shooting and dribbling (in the basketball sense) in our driveway.

Rocking chair league. Ready to join.

Do you think there is such a thing as a rocking chair hoops league? Maybe I should start one.

Best advice: Stay off the court.

It's one way to keep from pulling, straining, or breaking anything. But what fun is that?

Once more up court, knee willing.

When my mind makes a basketball promise my body can't keep.

Morning after hoops. Ankle won't move.

Based on many real experiences.

Geezer hoops: Pick and roll over.

My days of setting a hard pick are way behind me. Another version of this read: "Geezer hoops. Pick and fall down."