Mike Barzacchini Mike Barzacchini

Sunflower Peace

Sunflowers remind me to try to live a life of peace from the inside out.

Sunflowers represent hope optimism, and peace. I photographed these sunflowers in a field near Richmond, Illinois. I edited the photo to give it a painted effect using Prisma and I added the word "peace." My goal is to create visual, fun reminders that every day, in any small way, I need to strive for peace from the inside out. As Thich Nhat Hanh wrote, “Peace is every step.”

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Mike Barzacchini Mike Barzacchini

Sunflower Peace Shirt

A few summers ago, I took this photo of a field of sunflowers near Richmond, Illinois. I digitally “painted” the photo and designed the art for this shirt. I’m selling it on my Etsy shop with proceeds going to the Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund by Global Giving. Promote and practice peace every day, everywhere.

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