New Song, "New Valentine"
I’m fortunate to work with so many talented people. One of them is Kevin Andrew Prchal. He and his wife Aly released a wonderful new song for Valentine’s Day. You can listen to “New Valentine on Bandcamp.
Happy Valentine’s Day. I hope your day, and every day, is filled with grace and love.
Late Fragment by Raymond Carver
We are all just looking to belong. We search for our identity. We crave love. This poem fragment by Raymond Carver says it all. Happy Valentine’s Day. May your heart and life always be full.
“Late Fragment
And did you get what
you wanted from this life, even so?
I did.
And what did you want?
To call myself beloved, to feel myself
beloved on the earth.”
―Raymond Carver, A New Path to the Waterfall
Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash
Happy Valentine's Day From My Spirit Animal and Me
Happy Valentine’s day from Dino, my spirit animal, and me. Or am I his spirit animal? I can never remember. And yes, it’s true. We do share the same hair. May your day, your week, and your life be filled with love and joy.