From community journalism to health care and higher ed, Mike’s career is powered by a passion to discover, create and share stories that connect people and advance strategic priorities.

5 Ways to Develop Your Storytelling Mindset

5 Ways to Develop Your Storytelling Mindset

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  1. Admit: “I am a storyteller.” You may think you don’t have any stories to share, but I’m betting you do.

  2. Follow your favorite storytellers. Who are your favorite storytellers? Make a list. Read them. Study them. Share them. Learn from them.

  3. Think “story first.” Many times we jump into a project or situation only to think later, “Hey, that would have made a pretty good storytelling or story-sharing opportunity.” If you think “story first,” then you’re open to the possibilities of stories all around you and the many opportunities you’ll have to share them.

  4. Expand your definition of “story.” Sometimes we think too narrowly about storytelling themes and formats. When we develop a storytelling mindset, almost any situation — from a birthday party, morning hike, or letter to a friend — becomes a storytelling opportunity.

  5. Nurture and grow your storytelling efforts. The first way to do this is simply by listening to, creating, sharing, and celebrating stories. More formally, there are dozens of opportunities from webinars to full programs of study to help you improve and grow your storytelling mindset.

These 5 ways to develop your storytelling mindset are adapted from presentations and workshops I’ve given on storytelling. I believe life is story and story is life and I’m always looking for ways to grow my own storytelling mindset. I’d love to hear your ideas and learn what’s worked for you.

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