Celebrate National Poetry Month
National Poetry Month starts tomorrow, April 1. How will you celebrate? Here are a few ways I’m celebrating:
Read a poem a day. Subscribe to the Academy of American Poets poem-a-day newsletter.
Write a poem. MasterClass offers 11 Rules for Writing Good Poetry.
Take part in a poetry month challenge. My favorite is the Writer’s Digest PAD Challenge.
Support a poet and an independent bookstore by buying a collection of poetry from an independent bookstore. Check out BookShop.
Read the work of a poet or poetry form that’s new to you. The Poetry Foundation is a great place to explore poets and poetry.
Share a poem. This could be a favorite poem or one you’ve written. Five ways to share poetry with the world.
Here are 30 more ways to celebrate National Poetry Month.
Here’s to a happy, creative National Poetry Month!
My National Poetry Month party supplies are ready.