Mike Barzacchini Mike Barzacchini

Write a Poem Inspired by the Change of Seasons

Poetry Prompt #1: Write a Poem Inspired by the Changing Seasons

Over the next 30 days, I’ll be sharing a poetry writing prompt a day and trying to follow the prompts myself.

Prompt one: Write a poem inspired by the change of seasons. Share your poems in the comments, if you’d like. And check back later for my poem. Whether you use the prompt or not, remember to keep writing!

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Mike Barzacchini Mike Barzacchini

Merry Me, Happy You, A Seasonal Greeting

I wrote this goofy little verse about a hundred years ago. It comes back around to me every Christmas season. Thjis year, I thought I’d set it to voice, photos and music.

In first draft, the line that ends “festive parade” used to read “Santa parade.” I changed it because I’ve never actually seen a Santa parade, but the idea of one makes me smile. Cheers, joy, peace, and good health to you and yours.

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Mike Barzacchini Mike Barzacchini


Thinking about the unintended beautiful consequences of entering the day with a generous heart. Like when you wake early to brew tea for your workday and end up giving the spring flowers a much-needed drink.

Hole in my canteen

Watering the flowers

With my morning tea

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Mike Barzacchini Mike Barzacchini

Poem-A-Day, April 2022, Day 30

Challenge complete. As I wrote at the beginning of the month, I had no intention of completing or event starting this year’s poem-a-day challenge. But I’m sure glad that I did. I came into April with my poem tank empty. I hadn’t written one in months. I enter may with more than 30 new poems and many more drafts. Sometimes you get the challenge you need when you need it. The important thing is to keep trying, keep striving and keep moving. And that brings me to the last poem of the month: Write a moving poem. Here’s to April. Hello, May. Let’s keep moving.

Don't look back. Something might be gaining on you. —Satchel Paige


Yesterday is an anchor

Weighs me down.

Tomorrow’s a wind beneath

My broken wings.

But which way will it blow?

I have today.

I have to get up,

Get off this couch.

I have to get up

And move.

Yesterday is no return

Even if I have the receipt

Tomorrow may be out of stock

There’s no way to know

I have today.

I have to get up.

We have today.

We need to get up

Off this couch

And move.

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Mike Barzacchini Mike Barzacchini

Poem-A-Day, April 2022, Day 29

Write a poem about “the last (blank).” Anyone have change for a dollar?


All alone,

My last quarter,

This last payphone.

Dropped it in.

No dial tone.

All alone.

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Mike Barzacchini Mike Barzacchini

Poem-A-Day, April 2022, Day 28

Day 28, write a sight poem (and try not to blink).



It passed by.


It's gone.


It’s midnight.


It’s dawn.


The movie


I’d like to see


Is what I missed


When my eyes

Failed me.

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Mike Barzacchini Mike Barzacchini

Poem-A-Day, April 2022, Day 27

Day 27, Write a Remix Poem. This prompt asks us to remix a poem from earlier in the month. I chose to remix my day 20 challenge poem. Remember that one? We were asked to write a poem using at least three of the following six words: 1. Content, 2. Double, 3. Guide, 4. Meet, 5. Pump, 6. Suit. I had so much fun. I couldn’t stop at one.


Know your *content*.

*Double* down on your talent.

Let your instinct *guide* you.

Wear your best *suit*.

Get *pumped*.

I’ll *meet* you backstage.


*Double* down

Wear your lucky *suit*.

Let your instinct *guide* you.

We’ll *meet* out back

By the old *pump*.


Our host *doubled* as our *guide*.

We *met* by the abandoned *pumps*.

His shiny*suit* reflected the sun.

When he spoke, his words confused me.

But I understood the *content*.

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Mike Barzacchini Mike Barzacchini

Poem-A-Day, April 2022, Day 26

Write a love or anti-love poem. May we all be loved the way LuLu, our little Shih Tzu, loves suppertime.


To love life,

Like the little dog

Loves suppertime,

She dances with

Wild abandon.

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Mike Barzacchini Mike Barzacchini

Poem-A-Day, April 2022, Day 25

Day 25, write a response poem. This could be a response to a poem I’ve written earlier in the month or a response to someone else’s poem. This poem is a response to the haiku masters like Basho, Buson, and Issa, who have graced us with timeless poems. Thankfully, they knew how to avoid distractions.


Napping on the couch,

I missed the

Full moon

With a notebook

As my pillow, I slept

Though the sunrise

Earbuds firmly in,

I couldn’t hear the

Chickadee’s song

Checking my phone,

I missed the frog’s

Leap into the pond

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Mike Barzacchini Mike Barzacchini

Poem-A-Day, April 2022, Day 24

Day 24, write a superhero or super villain poem.


Unable to

Follow directions.

Often confuses

Left from right.

Has been

seen reading

A map while

Holding it

Upside down.

Makes stops

At F, G, L, and P

While trying to go

From point A to B.

His compass

Always spinning.

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Mike Barzacchini Mike Barzacchini

Poem-A-Day, April 2022, Day 23

Day 23, write a poem about a conspiracy.


Snoring dog

Across my legs

And rain against

The window

Conspire to

Keep me in bed,

Covers over

My head.

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Mike Barzacchini Mike Barzacchini

Poem -A-Day, April 2022, Day 22

Day 22, write a poem about an Organism.



I’m told

Is ever-so bold,

Growing in folds

In hot and cold.

Though I may grow old

I’ll never outlive all this mold.

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Mike Barzacchini Mike Barzacchini

Poem-A-Day, April 2022, Day 20

Poem a day challenge, day 20, write a poem using at least three of the following six words: 1. Content, 2. Double, 3. Guide, 4. Meet, 5. Pump, 6. Suit.

Here are six small stories, each using one of the words.

Before-dinner dogs: A furry fury. After-dinner dogs: Placid *contentment*.

New *suit*, new shirt new tie. Ready for my day. What? Mismatched shoes!

*Pump* handle had a nasty ricochet. My first black eye.

If we’ve *met*, I’ll remember your face, But likely fumble your name.

*Double* socks. Double pants. Double shirt. Double coat. Double hat. Chicago winter.

Dead-end farm road. Old map *misguided* me.

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Mike Barzacchini Mike Barzacchini

Poem-A-Day, April 2022, Day 19

Day 19, write a there or not there poem. Another one possibly based on a true story.

(Another possibly true story)


My car keys are gone,

But they were just there.

Now I can’t find them


For an hour I search.

Then before I despair,

I touch the cord

‘Round my neck

Where I’d hung them

With care.

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Mike Barzacchini Mike Barzacchini

Poem-A-Day, April 2022, Day 18

Day 18, write a “we (blank) poem. Here’s the finding the “whee” in your life.


We ride our bikes

Down a steep hill,

Let go the handles

Throw back our heads

Hair in the wind

As we become


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Mike Barzacchini Mike Barzacchini

Poem-A-Day, April 2022, Day 16

Day 16, write a touch poem. August, it’s a mood.


Escaping heat.

In the pond,

Up to my chin.

Trying to stand

As still as

The surface.

Arms at my side,

Sun setting,

Orange cast

Across the water.

Touching bottom.

Feeling mud

And pebbles

Beneath my feet,

As tiny fish

Nibble my toes.

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Mike Barzacchini Mike Barzacchini

Poem-A-Day, April 2022, Day 15

Day 15, write a patience poem. This one is about my father, the most patient person I’ve ever known.


My sister and I always

Ran late getting

Ready for church.

Dad waited patiently

On our back porch steps

Powder blue suit,

white shirt,

And neat tie

Never a raised voice

Or harsh word.

He’d just clip his nails

And work his cuticles,

Knowing by the time

He finished this

Sunday morning

Manicure we’d barrel

Through the backdoor,

Mom herding us

Into the station wagon.

Dad, the most patient

Person I’ve known,

And he had the


Fingernails, too.

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