From community journalism to health care and higher ed, Mike’s career is powered by a passion to discover, create and share stories that connect people and advance strategic priorities.

Poem-A-Day, April 2022, Day 19

Poem-A-Day, April 2022, Day 19

Day 19, write a there or not there poem. Another one possibly based on a true story.

(Another possibly true story)


My car keys are gone,

But they were just there.

Now I can’t find them


For an hour I search.

Then before I despair,

I touch the cord

‘Round my neck

Where I’d hung them

With care.

Poem-A-Day, April 2022, Day 20

Poem-A-Day, April 2022, Day 20

Poem-A-Day, April 2022, Day 18

Poem-A-Day, April 2022, Day 18