From community journalism to health care and higher ed, Mike’s career is powered by a passion to discover, create and share stories that connect people and advance strategic priorities.

Poem-A-Day, April 2022, Day 20

Poem-A-Day, April 2022, Day 20

Poem a day challenge, day 20, write a poem using at least three of the following six words: 1. Content, 2. Double, 3. Guide, 4. Meet, 5. Pump, 6. Suit.

Here are six small stories, each using one of the words.

Before-dinner dogs: A furry fury. After-dinner dogs: Placid *contentment*.

New *suit*, new shirt new tie. Ready for my day. What? Mismatched shoes!

*Pump* handle had a nasty ricochet. My first black eye.

If we’ve *met*, I’ll remember your face, But likely fumble your name.

*Double* socks. Double pants. Double shirt. Double coat. Double hat. Chicago winter.

Dead-end farm road. Old map *misguided* me.

Poem-A-Day, April 2022, Day 21

Poem-A-Day, April 2022, Day 21

Poem-A-Day, April 2022, Day 19

Poem-A-Day, April 2022, Day 19