From community journalism to health care and higher ed, Mike’s career is powered by a passion to discover, create and share stories that connect people and advance strategic priorities.

Poem-A-Day, April 2022, Day 25

Poem-A-Day, April 2022, Day 25

Day 25, write a response poem. This could be a response to a poem I’ve written earlier in the month or a response to someone else’s poem. This poem is a response to the haiku masters like Basho, Buson, and Issa, who have graced us with timeless poems. Thankfully, they knew how to avoid distractions.


Napping on the couch,

I missed the

Full moon

With a notebook

As my pillow, I slept

Though the sunrise

Earbuds firmly in,

I couldn’t hear the

Chickadee’s song

Checking my phone,

I missed the frog’s

Leap into the pond

Poem-A-Day, April 2022, Day 26

Poem-A-Day, April 2022, Day 26

Poem-A-Day, April 2022, Day 24

Poem-A-Day, April 2022, Day 24