Mike Barzacchini Mike Barzacchini

Poem-A-Day, April 2022, Day 7

Today’s prompt, write an abundance poem.

A little background: There’s a nasty (sticky) rumor that I can’t control the honey dispenser in our home. Not true! Not true!


On my elbows,

On the wall,

Just wanted a drop

I poured it all.

Drowning my toast

With sticky delight,

I’ll be cleaning up

From breakfast

Well into the night.

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Mike Barzacchini Mike Barzacchini

Poem-A-Day, April 2022, Day 6

The day 6 prompt asked us to write a “blank in the blank” poem, and we fill in the blanks. I adapted this to a “blank on the blank” poem and wrote these lines, inspired by Susan.


After the rainstorm

She walks the neighborhood

Delivering earthworms

From sidewalk peril

To soil salvation

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Mike Barzacchini Mike Barzacchini

Poem-A-Day April 2022, Day 3

Today’s prompt, write a smell poem. There were so many directions to take this prompt. The smell of breakfast coming from Mom’s kitchen on school mornings. That new baby smell of our son and now our granddaughter that’s like no other joy. The distinct smell of each of our dogs. Even their stinkiness has its charms. But there’s a smell I’ve experienced a few times in Athens, Ohio, walking along the Hocking River in the middle of the night. The days have still felt like winter, but then there’s something in the wind, blowing down the river corridor, it hits me full in the face like a refreshing kiss. It smells like spring coming from another place, the smell, taste, and feel of this invigorates and promises warmer days ahead. This poem does not fully capture that experience, but I’ll keep working on it.


Midnight walk

Along the river.

March wind

Fills me with the

Taste and smell

Of spring.

Here’s an alternative version of the poem, written more as a haiku.

Midnight river walk

March wind

First taste of spring

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Mike Barzacchini Mike Barzacchini

Poem-A-Day April 2022, Day 1

I've started the April Poem-A-Day Challenge from Writer’s Digest again, despite my worst intentions and procrastination. Looking forward to having fun with it and maybe even writing a decent poem or two.

The day one prompt was to write an “F” title poem, a poem with an f word (not necessarily THE F word) in the title. With our early April snowstorm and still the urge to get out to plant and get things growing, I thought about how Mother Nature with her snow surprises can make us play April’s fool.


Planting flowers

In the snow

April’s fool

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Mike Barzacchini Mike Barzacchini

Poem-a-Day Challenge, Day 9: Write a Persona Poem

I feel like these could be the alternative lyrics for “Every breathe you take,” if Sting chewed gum.

Poem-a-Day Challenge, Day 9. Write a persona poem. I feel like these could be the alternative lyrics for “Every breathe you take,” if Sting chewed gum.

April 2021 PAD 9 (1).jpg
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