From community journalism to health care and higher ed, Mike’s career is powered by a passion to discover, create and share stories that connect people and advance strategic priorities.

Poem-A-Day April 2022, Day 2

Poem-A-Day April 2022, Day 2

The prompt for day two was to write a “second-chance” poem. I took a second chance on this year’s PAD challenge since I started a day late. I’ve always been a fan of second chances. Here is a poem about a few of my favorite second chances.


Offensive rebounds.

Morning-after pizza.

Betting on the ninth race

After losing the eighth.

The forgiveness

Of your smile.

Poem-A-Day April 2022, Day 3

Poem-A-Day April 2022, Day 3

Poem-A-Day April 2022, Day 1

Poem-A-Day April 2022, Day 1